The District Council of Grand Port

+Royal Road, Rose Belle

(230) 6274542/575, 6277633

(230) 6274640

The District of Grand Port is of great historical importance since it is in this locality that the first European settlers, the Dutch, landed in Mauritius and unsuccessfully tried to establish a colony. The Grand Port ruins have been restored and are an important tourist attraction. The first capital of the island was situated in the District before being moved to Port Louis, under French rule.


“To ensure that the District Council of Grand Port fulfills its statutory commitments effectively and efficiently and that the area it serves becomes a better place to live in.”


“Local Government is not, in our view, limited to the narrow provision of a series of services to the local community… It has within its purview the overall economic, cultural and physical well-being of that community”


Bambous Virieux, Bananes, Beau Vallon, Bois des Amourettes, Camp Carol, Cluny, Grand Bel Air, Grand Sable, Mahebourg, Mare d’Albert, Mare Tabac, Midlands, New Grove, Nouvelle France, Old Grand Port, Petit Bel Air, Plaine Magnien, Quatre Soeurs, Rivière des Créoles, Rose Belle, Saint Hubert, Seizième Mille, Trois Boutiques (Union Vale), Union Park


Mr. Rajeev Kumar Jangi

Vice- Chairperson

Mr. Roopesh Hoseneea

Chief Executive

Dr. Sheilendra Peerthum